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Article: DIY Wall Hanging Tutorial & More

DIY Wall Hanging Tutorial & More

DIY Wall Hanging Tutorial & More

We finally moved!  My husband and I decided to leave city life and buy a home & land amongst nature.  We're both huge fans of the Santa Cruz Mountains, so what better place to park it? :) 

Our humble home/sanctuary works well for the two of us. Every day it is becoming more and more balanced.  It's so important that we all keep our sanctuaries balanced with natural treasures - minerals, vibrations, elements, and energy to help maintain a beautiful flow in our lives.

In addition to our home, the dreamiest part of this move has been building our very own art spaces.  My space is  already in the works and I'll keep you updated as it progresses!  Crossing my fingers that it will be completed by the end of July. 

What a time to move; at the beginning of a pandemic.  Sometimes I feel like we're all still waking up from a bad dream...  It saddens my heart to see so many lives affected.  Staying informed is tough, too. With so many messages, it's hard to know what to trust, what to look passed, and how to stay positive amidst it all. 

One way, I believe, we can still find hope and joy: focusing on what remains. One of those aspects of life that takes the cake here is NATURE. As the infamous Andy Goldsworthy said, “we often forget that WE ARE NATURE. Nature is not something separate from us. So when we say that we have lost our connection to nature, we’ve lost our connection to ourselves.”  So, so true! Every trail I take out here, I'm exposed to the full lifecycle of nature. Like us, nature begins with life; it grows, experiences trauma, dies, & disintegrates.  Tracing its growth by roots and the falling of leaves - it's all so incredible.

Jester Swink is all about creativity, inspiration, and balance.  So, I wanted to inspire creativity within YOU.  It's a simple reminder to everyone that there's beauty all around us, even amongst chaos. 

I'm thrilled to share our first Jester Swink video: a DIY Tutorial of How To Make a Wall Hanging.  It is sure to inspire and requires taking a journey to source some natural elements and turn those lovelies into an art piece.

When so much of our world is out of control, I find it calming to create, especially with nature!  Though "ignorance is bliss" we can still have bliss and stay healthily informed. Healthily informed + healthy outlets!  Reconnecting with nature has been a longing for some time. Now is my time to really achieve that, while inviting you to join me on this journey!  Here's to immersing ourselves in projects that are good for our minds, bodies, and souls. 

Stay tuned for our next newsletter with a new video; later this month. In the meantime, please be safe and ENJOY!  Share with us what you create @jesterswink and feel free to respond with your thoughts.  :)

Peace be with you.

With love,


JESTER SWINK - Inspire.  Create.  Balance your Sanctuary.

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